Welcome to the Claude Duguay Enterprises,Inc. web site. You'll find the content based on the following major categories.

The Blog is primarily a running stream-of-conciouness and a set of current articles that cover a variety of topics. I've tried to write both about how this site has evolved (how it was constructed for those who are interested in learning from the process or may just be currious about how somethign was accomplished) and more complete topics that cover specific technologies, solutions and ideas.

The Publications section is an inventory and archive for past content I've published over the years, primarily in print but also on the web for commercial publications. I was especially active at the turn of the millenium with Java and XML publications. Some of that content has disapeared (Fawcette, for example, eventually sold their assets which have not re-surfaced anywhere in archival form on the web).
I've posted the original articles (before they were submitted to editors) so the content is a bit more 'raw', if you will, but demonstrates the quality of the deliverables I handed over to the publisher before they added their own touch. To their credit, good editors fixed typos, grammar and caught problems with clarity of communication or even technical issues on occasion so you will need to bear with the content as-is.
I think that many of the articles are still of value to readers and have done by best to provide all the relevant parts (diagrams, listings, etc.) from my personal archives. I hope find utility in some of the articles or book reviews presented here.

The Work section is dedicated my own career path and related projects, covering the kinds of things you might find on a resume, such as skills, work history and what other's have said about the quality of my work. There are a set of highlights listed at the top of the page, along with highlights from the projects listed in the work history. Finally, many colleagues were kind enough to write flattering things in the way of references.

The Miscelaneous section is dedicated those things that don't fit into the previous categories. This includes links to Flipboard magazines that I currate on Flipboard. You can jump to postings from the summaries this page links to or go directly to the magazines to read things in context. Also, demonstrable code is provided in separate pages, which we link to from the Miscelaneous page.
My name is Claude Duguay. I've operated under Claude Duguay Enterprises, Inc., primarily as a contractor, for over a decade, occasionally taking on employment with organizations that offered something mutually beneficial. Mostly, I've been an independent developer, architect, author. I started writing code when I got my first computer, an Apple II+, in 1979 and never looked back.
More recently, I founded a company called Zartica, Inc. which marketed computer-generated artwork and later joined a triad of partners to work on broader applications. However, most of the work I do centers on a few personal interests, with a set common themes:
- I used to write a lot for publication and enjoy the act of writing about technical solutions or exploration. I plan to write more on my blog but, as often happens in life, work and family can consume a lot of time. If you're interested in my recentl writing, check out the Blog entries listed on the right, or a full Blog listing. I hope you find something interesting to read about.
- I tend to be agnostic about client- or server-side development, though I do gravitate toward UX work and had UI columns in both the Java Developers Journal and Java Pro Magazine for several years between 1998 and 2002 or so. You can learn more about my writing on the Publications page.
- I am fascinated by AI/ML and often revisit the fundamentals, most recently the promise of RBMs (Restricted Boltzman Machines) in deep learning. While I'm interested in higher-level cloud solutions, my primary interestest have centered on the implementation of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Inference Engines, Genetic Algorithms, and the seldom used, though incredibly powerful, Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms. While I've used these solutions in artchitectures I worked on, I do not consider myself a Big Data analyst.
- I have a love of computer languages and enjoy digging into tokenizers, parsers and semantic analysis solutions. The languages I write code in the most are TypeScript/JavaScript, Java and C#. Over the last few years, I think I've writen more in TypeScript than almost any other language. I'm currious about other languages too. I havent' gotten into Python, though it's important for analytics and I think Scala is fascinating but it remains esoteric and not yet widely adopted.
- I have a strong background in Search technologies and have co-authored several related patents. I've worked on many search-centric projects some that scaled into billions of documents and structured database records and specialized query support. I love the Lucene engine, and have used it in smaller projects as well. If you're interested in my project/employment background, check out the Work page.
Feel free to reach out if you're currious about anything and check out the blocg entries.
Recent Posts
Chromatic Space
Aug 31, 2017
GraphQL Services
Aug 17, 2017
WordPress to Jekyll
Dec 19, 2016
Web Development Series
Sep 12, 2016
Open Shifting
Sep 8, 2016
Visual Components - JBalance Building a Binary Database System Visual Components - JBinder Visual Components - JBorder Visual Components - JBulletList Visual Components - JCalculator Widget Factory - JCalendar Visual Components - JCellBorder Visual Components - JCheckTree Widget Factory - JColor Widget Factory - JConfigure Object-Relational Database Mapping Visual Components - JDayTime Visual Components - JDesktop Visual Components - JDigital Visual Components - JEditor Surviving Organizational Growth Java's Past, Present and Future Visual Components - JExplore Widget Factory - JMaskField Visual Components - JGradient Visual Components - JGraph Visual Components - JHexEdit Visual Components - JIcon Visual Components - JIconEditor Visual Components - JImageMap Creating Dynamic Content with Servlets Visual Components - JKeyMap Practical Layout Managers Visual Components - JLink Visual Components - JListView Logging Events Finding a Perfect Match Electronic Mail Merge Visual Components - JMeter Dynamic Module Subsystem Visual Components - JMonitor Visual Components - JOrganizer Widget Factory - JOutlookBar Visual Components - JPageLayout Visual Components - JPalette Visual Components - JPattern Visual Components - JPreview Making Progress with User Feedback Secure Tunneling Proxy Visual Components - JRadar Visual Components - JRange Visual Components - JReport Visual Components - JRuler Visual Components - JScrollView Visual Components - JScroller Searching with Servlets Visual Components - JSequence Visual Components - JSlide The Big O A Sort Factory for the Collections API Visual Components - JSortTable Widget Factory - JSpinner Widget Factory - JSplash and JTips Visual Components - JSplitView Visual Components - JStatusBar Visual Components - JStock Visual Components - JSurface XML Filtering with Servlets Visual Components - JTicker FlexTokenizer Visual Components - JTransition Widget Factory - JComponentTree Visual Components - JValidatingField Visual Components - JWindowPane Widget Factory - JWizard Java Break - XML Bean Generator XML and the JavaBeans Model Java Break - XML Resource Bundles Java Break - XMLConfig Java Break - XMLConsole Java Break - XML Doclet Java Break - XML Event Handling Java Break - XML File Sets Using SAX to Read Other Formats Java Break - Resource Manager Java Break - XML Routing Java Break - XML Rules Java Break - XML ValidatorBook Reviews
Book Reviews
ASP in a Nutshell Java Annotated Archives COM and DCOM Cascading Style Sheets Client/Server Data Access with Java and XML Computer Graphics for Java Programmers Concurrency, State Models and Java Programs Connecting JavaBeans with InfoBus Core Java Media Framework Core Java Web Server Core Jini Java Cryptography Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Building Database Driven Web Catalogs John Zuokowski's Definitive Guide to Swing for Java 2 Java Digital Signal Processing Distributed Programming with Java Enterprise JavaBeans - Developing Component-Based Distributed Applications Developing Java Enterprise Applications Java Application Frameworks Graphics Programming with Java, Second Edition Graphics Programming with JFC HTML Goodies HTML Programmer's Reference Internet Standards and Protocols Inside the Java Virtual Machine Introduction to Java Programming, Second Edition Java 2 Networking JDBC Developer's Resource, Second Edition Java Database Development Java Foundation Classes JFC Unleashed The Jini Specification JMF Java Media Framework JTAPI Java Telephony API The Developer's Guide to the Java Web Server Java 1.2 Class Libraries Java 1.2 Unleashed The Java 3D API Specification Java Bible Java Design, Building Better Apps and Applets Java Programming for Windows Java Game Programming for Dummies Inside the JavaOS Operating System JavaScript and HTML 4.0 Java Security Java Servlet Programming Developing Java Servlet, the Authoritative Solution Java Servlets JavaSpaces Principles, Patterns, and Practice Java Studio by Example Essential Java Style, Patterns for Implementation Java Swing Mastering Java 1.2 Mission Critical Java Project Management Java Modeling in Color with UML Java 2 Network Security, Second Edition Patterns in Java, Volume 1 The Practical SQL Handbook, Third Edition Professional Style Sheets for HTML and XML Professional Java Server Programming Professional XML Design and Implementation Programming for the Java Virtual Machine Pure JFC Swing Java RMI, Remote Method Invocation SQL Instant Reference Securing Java Java Servlets by Example Authorized Guide to SilverStream Special Edition Using Java 1.2 Thinking in Java The Java Tutorial Continued Up to Speed with Swing Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0 Programmer's Guide Visual J++ 6 Secrets Web Design Templates Sourcebook Programming Windows with Java and WFC XML Companion XML by Example, Building E-Commerce ApplicationsReferences
Jay Lorenzo, Aventail Charles Nichols, Microsoft Bill Radcliffe, Microsoft Michael Cockrill, Mixxer Richard Zaragoza, Microsoft Jar Lyons, 360 Powered Jerome O'Neil, 360 Powered Patrick Sokolan, Arcessa Pankaj Lakhina, Microsoft Bill Carroll, Atrieva A. Gubberman, Atrieva Stefano Bertolo, CycCorp Virgil Bourassa, Microsoft Bill Shaefer, 360 Powered Michael Myers, Atrieva Steve Skalski, Microsoft Jim VanderMeer, Arcessa Paul Kuralt, CapitalStream Greg Brown, Microsoft Frank Chin, Microsoft Mitchell Wyle, Microsoft Arian Lori-Amini, MicrosoftClaude is an ideal software architect - a sharp individual who quickly sees the big picture, understands the design tradeoffs, and most importantly, is capable of driving the design to a finished product in short delivery cycles. His strong technical leadership, experience and pragmatic insight make him someone I would recommend without hesitation.
I have worked with many sharp people and Claude is the cream of the crop. He approaches problems openly and holistically. He brings a wealth of experience spanning both strategic and technical areas that have been of key value to project teams and business stakeholders. Claude can take direction and run with it, or can simply take the reins and define the direction needed. He does his homework, gains consensus, and has proven to be an effective leader.
Claude and I have worked together closely over five years as Architects at Microsoft. He is a rare individual that has such a wide range of capabilities that it is difficult to describe. Having him on your team is like having an additional entire team on the job, including both technical as well as business skill sets. In our work within Microsoft on highly scalable data integration projects, he was instrumental in moving the project forward at each step.
Claude is an exceptional engineer. He is methodical AND very fast. He is structured AND very creative. He has an exceptional mind and passion for technology AND a unique understanding of the business. I would hire him again in a heartbeat.
I had the opportunity to work with Claude on some far out experimental search experience prototypes a few years ago and found him inspiring and brilliant. There are those that think big thoughts but produce little and those that produce much but lack the ability to take an idea further. Claude writes the philosophy and the code... that is a rarity.
At each and every juncture, Claude demonstrated an exceptional balance of technical acuity, business sense, and sound engineering judgment. I have witnessed him architect several new applications, each time meeting or exceeding the design expectations.
I worked for Claude as a development manager, and genuinely miss his insight, clarity of vision, and humor. Under his leadership we did great things. Besides being a great technology manager, he's a great engineer and the finest UI/UX guy I've ever known.
Claude Duguay is one of the best software coders I have ever worked with. People describing his work often comment about how clean, concise, and elegant his coding and designs are. It is common for engineers of all levels to seek him out for guidance on design and approach to algorithmic challenges. I have always been able to implicitly trust his estimations on time and cost and consider him to be one of the best of the best.
Claude impressed me thoroughly, when we worked closely together at Microsoft, with the depth and breadth of his technical knowledge and his uncompromising passion for quality. He is a brilliant architect, capable of articulating solutions in a manner both easy to understand and compelling. I would recommend him without hesitation.
Claude is a very capable software developer and software manager. I appreciated his ability to design, develop and deliver a unique client application. He effectively managed a group of developers while simultaneously serving in a technical leadership role for the entire company. I would highly recommend Claude.
Claude was perpetually pursuing new technologies in an effort to exploit them for the benefit of our startup. Through research and analysis, he helped direct a near complete re-write of our core application. His insight extended beyond the purely technical, and also contributed to our decision to add API functions to permit cost savings through outsourcing.
I was extremely impressed by Claude's ability to break down the functionality he wanted from us into a well thought out progression of deliverables that resulted in good early feedback and realistic deadlines. Claude is an outstanding manager and communicator and the balance he manages to keep between always learning new technology and building systems that 'just work' is very rare indeed.
I enjoy working with Claude. He has a passion for quality, an eye for the practical, and ear for B.S. He's outspoken, capable, smart, and influential. He's a valuable team member and an even more valuable ally.
Claude has many strengths; those that stood out to me most were his depth of technical knowledge, his ability to effectively translate this knowledge to large teams with disparate skills/working styles, and his approachability. In extremely high-pressure, tight-timeline, chaotic environments Claude always exuded a sense of friendly calm and control, it was a pleasure reporting to him.
I've worked with Claude at several companies, and his deep knowledge and skill translated directly to productive development, insightful architecture decisions, and skilled leadership. I can definitely recommend him, and he would be an asset to any company that hires him.
I have known Claude for four plus years in PQO and its precedent organizations. We have never worked on the same project, but he has been a resource that I have utilized in my architecture, design, and development process. He has provided me with comprehensive and well thought out options, elegant code samples, and links whenever I knocked on his door. He is an extremely well rounded and thorough individual, not only in the technology arena, but also in other disciplines. Curiosity, asking the major questions of what, where, when, who, why, and how, and being an incessant reader are all part of this architectural package. I have no reservation in recommending Claude.
Claude was a valued resource for understanding and supporting the backup technology he had help create while at Atrieva/Driveway - he was a go-to resource for everyone in sales, development, and QA. His approach to solving problems and understanding client requirements was reflected in the high quality products he helped bring to market. Claude was great to work with and I'd enjoy working with him again if I had the opportunity.
I had the pleasure of working with Claude at CapitaStream while he was working as the architect, and lead developer. Claude is smart, and always willing to explain complex systems in detail, exhibiting patience, and a grand ability to train. Claude's work on the product, carried it forward efficiently, where his work still has a positive impact today.
Claude is very intelligent, extremely knowledgeable in his field, and has an insatiable appetite for learning about the latest technologies through extensive reading.
I have had the pleasure working with Claude at 2 different companies where he was a coder, manager and architect since 1999. I have seen nothing but dedication and success with all of his projects. He is a visionary in software development, a great leader, and is simply brilliant with a good understanding of highly technical concepts and leverages technology to its fullest. Lastly, his work ethic is second to none and is well respected among his peers. Claude would make a great asset for any team and would be an amazing resource.
During my 30 years in the software industry and among the hundreds of developers with whom I have worked, Claude is among the very best, brightest, most productive, and from whom I have learned the most. Claude is a monster coder. He created specific features for a 'data collection' system for me related to manageability, user experience, and configuration policy that I needed for system operability. At the same time that he developed these features he was also instrumental in implementing important query parser changes to a search system's front end. Claude's code is extremely well-designed, clean, elegant, and beautiful. Claude is a great software architect. He understands design principals (reflected in his code) and always builds software that is maintainable over time. I had many design discussions with him where I modified my own design based on his key insights. Claude is a strong leader. He sees the big picture and manages people, process, time, and budget to deliver. He has nurtured and mentored many junior programmers and some senior developers. He manages team dynamics consciously and intentionally to deliver results while keeping morale high. I have no reservations at all about recommending Claude.
Claude is one the brightest and visionary architects which I have had the pleasure of working with. He has deep understanding of the business and technical needs. He has a great personality and fun to work with.